Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010: A Year of (Im)Possibilities

There are things that we believe that we could never do - things that deep down we believe are impossibilities.

But what if they aren’t impossible?  What if you really could find a job that you loved?  What if you could be really healthy?  What if you could heal the rift between you and your spouse/child/parent/friend/neighbour?  What if you could actually be slim and trim?  What if you could do anything that you put your mind to?

Well, this year, I have decided to do something that previously I would have believed impossible.

I am going to participate in a Triathlon in July 2010!!

I don’t know how it happened.  But somehow over the holidays, my sisters and I decided that the three of us would do a Triathlon.

What makes this so impossible, you ask?  Well, none of us are athletes.  In fact, we’re quite a long way from athletic.  We’re more the “sitting-on-the-couch-with-a-cup-of-tea-solving-the-world’s-problems” types.  Athletic?  Absolutely not!

In fairness, all three of us are pretty decent swimmers.  We can all get on a bike (if we can find one) and ride it.  We are all capable of walking.  But running?  Biking for any great distance?  Those are things that deep down, we truly believed were absolute impossibilities.

But then came the show, “The Biggest Loser”.  On the surface, it’s a reality TV show about a bunch of very obese people losing weight.  But there is so much more going on.  It has totally turned my brain inside out.  I just love it. 

Why you ask?  Because it breaks through the beliefs that limit all of us in our lives every day.  As the on-screen trainers push the contestants in their workouts, the common cry is, “I CAN’T!  I CAN’T DO IT ANY MORE”.  And the reply is always, “Yes you can.  You can do anything that you put your mind to!”

Many of these contestants have good reason to believe that this isn’t true.  Many had very painful, difficult childhoods.  Some had traumatic events that they couldn’t get over.  Others just couldn’t handle the day-to-day pressures of marriage, kids, and paying the bills.  These are very common situations – common situations that can leave us believing that there are many things that we can’t do – that we are out of control in our lives – that giving up is a reasonable reaction based on the crazy world we live in.

But then you see these people have breakthroughs.  They start to get to the bottom of their emotional and mental blocks.  They start to believe that they CAN do anything that they put their mind to - and you start to see the pounds drop off.  You start to see their outlook changing.  They start to shift from victims to victors.  The weight loss is secondary to the phenomenal inner healing that happens.  (Did I mention how much I love this show?)

So what does this have to do with me doing a triathlon?

Well, this season the final contestants had to complete a marathon near the end of the show – a mere 16 weeks after they started!!  Some of these people started out over 450 pounds!!  And many of them were still 300+ pounds when they did the marathon!!

We would normally believe this to be impossible.  This just doesn’t happen.  Only skinny “runner-types” do marathons!!  We know this to be true.  The rest of us CAN’T run marathons, right?  We are sure that this is true.

So to watch these people complete the race just turns our brains inside out!  And to see the joy and the victory and the immense feeling of satisfaction that they had after the race!!  Such a gift to us!!

Why is it a gift?  Because we got to watch someone break through the belief that they couldn’t do something.  We got to watch the same feelings of inadequacies and lack of control in their lives as we struggle with all of the time.  And they changed those feelings and beliefs.  They now know that they really can do anything that they put their mind to – that there are no such things as impossibilities!!!  Imagine!

And so, as we begin 2010, let’s ponder our impossibilities?  What are the things in our lives that we’d love to have or to change but deep down, we don’t believe are possible? 
Let’s challenge those beliefs.  Let’s imagine that nothing is impossible.

Hey, if I can do a triathlon, anything’s possible!


  1. the little engine that could. i think i can i think i can.......
    ~pooch and special k

  2. Honey! Everything that you do is (im)possible. I just sit back and watch your life unfold.

  3. How's the training going? The friend who recommended your book to me is training for her first triathlon too... Funny little circle that is! Thank you for sharing your story & your gift... I'm (slowly) finding the courage to share my gifts... Blessings & bliss to you! xxxx Jill Marie
