Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our True Human Potential

I truly believe that we are able to do anything we put our minds to. I believe that our bodies and minds will respond with vigour to any challenge that we put before them. The problem is that our goals are too small due to fears, conditioning, "what has always been", our upbringing, our society, whatever.

And so, with this in mind, I have signed up to participate in a Tough Mudder challenge on May 11, 2013. (See for a video). This is a challenge that is truly quite beyond me right now. It is a 20km route with 25 military-style obstacles designed to test your strength, your mettle, endurance and challenge your fears. There's everything from climbing cargo nets to getting over vertical walls to jumping into ice-water to jumping off 30ft heights into water. And in-between these things, we run... in our case, it's at Mount St. Louis Moonstone, so it will be all climbing mountains.

(By the way, this is a team running electrified wires... 
always the final obstacle before you get the headband and the beer!!)

So why am I doing this? It's a great question. But I feel called to do it in that wonderful way that always turns out to be the most interesting!!!

Basically, at the time of writing this, I have 18 weeks to be able to comfortably run 20 km with serious hills in them (I'm nowhere close). I have to improve my upper body and core strength enough to even be able to participate in the challenges and help my teammates(I have the upper body strength of a T-Rex) ... Oh yeah, this is a team sport. So the teams must progress together through all of the obstacles. For me, this is a huge stimulus...Letting other people down is definitely one of my greatest fears!! 

Our Human Potential:

This challenge lets me finally test my deeply-held belief that our bodies will rise to any challenge that we put before them. Back when I wrote "What If You Could Skip the Cancer?", this was the number-one finding in the research I did about spontaneous healings. Over and over again, we see people overcoming SERIOUS disease. People heal against impossible odds. 

Why? Because this is what these amazing bodies are designed to do!!!

These bodies are not only phenomenal in their physical make-up alone, they are linked to our amazing minds and spirits which have infinite potential for ideas, healing, and future possibilities. When our minds are clear, our bodies respond.

And our minds are absolutely amazing things!! They are entire pharmaceuticals that will help us in any situation we find ourselves in. Our minds are amazingly plastic - they can adjust and adapt to any situation that we put them in. We are limited only by our imagination and our fears.

And so it only stands to reason that our bodies would also respond to this kind of challenge - to build strength, endurance and stamina... 

And so, these 18 weeks will be a chance for me to really dig deep inside and weed out the ideas, beliefs and thoughts that stand in my way. Because as long as they are there, I won't train enough. I won't heal enough. I won't become strong enough.

But when I can get my mind and intentions clear, what is possible? Anything? Everything?

This is what I truly believe. And I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to really experience it!!

It's going to be an interesting 18 weeks!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your line, "We are limited only by our imagination and our fears." echoes a quote I've posted above my desk by Barbara Kingsolver from Animal Dreams.
    "The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance, but live right in it, under its roof."
    Hope, imagination and conquering fears - all good reasons to train for a tough mudder. Oh yeah... and the beer we get at the finish line:)
